Tag: photography

  • TV Transitions

    I have begun playing with and thinking about other transitional moments that we encounter; one example are the TV images above. My interest is in the natural (dripping, deflating, compression, combination) that comes from either a material I am interested in or from a collective experience that we all have (use of packaging, driving a…

  • Rosemary Laing

    I just happened upon the beautifully integrated and suspended photography of Rosemary Laing and am really taken with it! I am especially drawn to her Bulletproofglass series and her Weather series (see below). The concepts are intriguing, but the part I can’t get over is the complicated textures and the transitional state of the subjects.…

  • something new and moving

    Check out my first animation and my new you tube account! I had to spell my last name with 3 t’s to make the account legit because apparently there’s another Lisa Walcott or at least lisawalcott out there. Another case for using “Worpel” perhaps. (I am figuring out the quality…etc.)

  • punctuate

    NOTES (just for me): punctuation punctuate puncture punctus mark or divide to make the meaning clear. to interrupt at intervals: to give emphasis or force to; deriv. of L pūnctus a pricking; see punctual]

  • critique #one

    I had a critique with the Photo Department on Monday(I am taking an elective with them this semester). Overall, I was very happy with the feedback I got as well as relieved to get the first one out of the way. Here are some shots of the crit space. The photo’s were printed 30×40″ glossy.