Thin Air
The ubiquitous, relaxing and sensual action of a curtain blowing is uncannily controlled by a motor and strings. The curtain becomes a puppet, the implied breeze animatronic.
Do To Do
Do To Do, 2015Broom, Knife
Still Life in Balance
Still Life in Balance (ongoing series), 2013 pot lid, thread, two kernels of popcorn, light yellow bar of soap (used), pile of pepper, two sprays of Chanel No. 5, pistachio shell and remainder of supporting string, small white plate with a kernel of popcorn and two eyelashes, broken piece of concrete, eraser from a pencil,…
On and On
A pull-string bounces over and over as if being tugged on and off. The simple pull string references attics, basements, luminescence and progress opening up the ideas around and relationship with this simple utilitarian object.