Project Tag: Living with Myself

  • Thin Air

    Thin Air

    The ubiquitous, relaxing and sensual action of a curtain blowing is uncannily controlled by a motor and strings. The curtain becomes a puppet, the implied breeze animatronic.

  • Made Up

    Made Up

    Made Up is a kinetic sculptural installation in which a series of tabletops spin simultaneously referencing furniture, dance and formal gatherings while making invisible forces and air patterns visible.

  • More Than Happy

    More Than Happy

    More Than Happy, 2015paper, paint, water, motor, fan, ledge/surface (site specific)

  • Threshold II

    Threshold II

    Threshold II, 2015rug, motor, apparatus

  • Thin Air 1

    Thin Air 1

    The ubiquitous, relaxing and sensual action of a curtain blowing is uncannily controlled by a motor and strings. The curtain becomes a puppet, the implied breeze animatronic.

  • Kept


    A pile of blankets slowly move up and down as if breathing. A small piece of wax moves on the wall a bit like the motion of a bug.

  • Maybe it’s supposed to

    Maybe it’s supposed to

    From a small hole in the wall (no bigger than one made by a nail or screw) soap bubbles sputter through. Almost unnoticeable, but showing potential in the unreachable spaces behind the wall.

  • Threshold


    A doorknob rotates occasionally pushing away from the wooden surface. The planks are simply leaning against the wall in a haphazard manner making the subtle, constant motion of the doorknob quite uncanny.

  • On and On

    On and On

    A pull-string bounces over and over as if being tugged on and off. The simple pull string references attics, basements, luminescence and progress opening up the ideas around and relationship with this simple utilitarian object.