Category: openings

  • Pretty Good Shape: Artist in Research Exhibition at threewalls

    March 8-21, 2013Opening Friday, March 8 from 6-9pmthreewalls (119 N. Peoria #2c Chicago, IL 60607)An exhibition featuring work I’ve made during my residency…give or take a couple things.

  • Emerging Artist Exhibition

    I was recently accepted to show at Eastern Michigan University’s Regional Emerging Artist Exhibition, EMERGENCE-11! I’m excited for this show. I will be one of five artists from the region. Opening: September 14 at Ford Gallery Exhibition Duration: August 31-October 5

  • Hecho en Casa/Home Made

    My next show is at Cobalt Studios in Pilsen. The show runs from Friday, June 10-Saturday, June 25, but my piece will just be happening (yes, happening, not installed) on Friday, June 17. Hecho en Casa/ Home MadeCurated by Alberto Aguilar and Jorge Lucero A program of events that verge on acts of domesticity. Behavior…

  • at the UICA

    The Displacement Show at the UICA is up through early August! Check out my deflated installation!

  • Thesis Show!

    It’s open! The current exhibition at MOCAD is our MFA degree show. Check it out!

  • Alum

    Trinity is fifty and has an art exhibition to celebrate! Last week I installed “Light Weight” in the new Seerveld Gallery. The space fit the piece really well and electricity was available in inconspicuous ways (thank you!). I will post a new video and photo’s when I go back for the closing. Several friends and…

  • Material Afterlife: UICA

    Last Friday, the Material Afterlife exhibition opened at the UICA in Grand Rapids in which my piece, Styrofoam #6 was included. I created and critiqued this piece last semester as 7 small hanging sculptures composed of deconstructed styrofoam beads which I stitched together with black thread. For this exhibition, I combine the seven smaller sculptures…