Category: Uncategorized

  • Other One to Drop

    The tapping of the shoe conjures ideas of waiting. The repetitive movement is consistent, but the slow pace adds anticipation and may even require some patience as the shoe hovers, finally taps and repeats. 

  • Subtle Installation Instructions

    Unpacking Thin Air Installation Instructions for “Maybe it’s supposed to”

  • Visting Artist-Lisa Walcott

    I am giving a lecture and leading a workshop at Harold Washington College through the Pedestrian Project this week! This is my first time being a visiting artist and is an exciting opportunity for me. My lecture is at Harold Washington College 30 East Lake Street, rm. 102 Chicago, Illinois Tuesday, April 26 · 2:00pm…

  • Homemade Stain

    I just tried to make this homemade stain. It sounds fun and much less smelly than the oil based stain I am using right now and just empowering to not have to buy it or use chemicals. Water/Vinegar Based Stains from Chisel Me Timbers. To me, a vinegar-based stain is the closest I’ve ever come…

  • the slits

    Through completely random chance, I started watching video’s by The Slits tonight. I had never heard of them and just clicked on a random link for Typical Girls. The sound of Instant Hit is pretty cool.

  • Art Prize

    It’s official, I will be showing at WMCAT on Fulton for Art Prize! The installation will include many twitching pull strings and possibly a flickering light….stay tuned.View my public profile

  • Valance

  • Back at it.

    I’m back in Detroit, Cranbrook has started up. I’m moved into my new living quarters and my new studio. There’s as much possibility as the a blank page. Thick.

  • I printed a book!

    Since the images I took all came from bound, printed material, I decided to bind my versions. The book is only 5×7, which is slightly smaller than I would ultimately print it, but overall I am happy with the way it came out. I chose a variety of images from a variety of magazines. I…