I’ve created my own ice storm within the snow storm we’re having.
The sprinkler had been oscillating for about an hour an a half when these pictures were taken. It’s dark now, so I will have to wait until morning to see what has happened in the hour and a half afterward.
Sisyphus’ plight once again visits my work creating a narrative where work is being done unnecessarily and constantly. From this needless watering (where no kids are playing and no grass is being nourished) a ring has begun to form and harden on the ground and the trees have begun to crystalize.
I may want to find a space that you are more able “enter” so that the experience is less escapable. I have also been wrestling with what to freeze in there. Strings could be beautiful, objects could hover and solidify nicely. It’s a time capsule. I will put some more time into solving this! I know it can be done!