Other One to Drop
The tapping of the shoe conjures ideas of waiting. The repetitive movement is consistent, but the slow pace adds anticipation and may even require some patience as the shoe hovers, finally taps and repeats.
Subtle Installation Instructions
Unpacking Thin Air Installation Instructions for “Maybe it’s supposed to”
This year so far
2013 has been very full in a really good way. Solo Exhibition, A Bit Over the Top, Seerveld Gallery at Trinity Christian College, Palos Heights, IL Solo Exhibition, While Away, COOP Gallery, Nashville, TN On the Verge of Failure, CultureWorks, Holland, MI Solo Exhibition, Pretty Good Shape, threewalls, Chicago, IL Solo Exhibition, Less Still, Eli…
Lecture at the Broad
Last night I gave a lecture in conversation with Aimee Shapiro the Director of Education at the Broad. It was a chronological account of my work over the last 5 years which was a satisfying way for me to organize the information I presented as it shows that there has been progress and how one…
Review of "Less Still" from H.A.C.K
Thanks, Tori for your insights into these goings-ons. LISA WALCOTT: “LESS STILL” AT ELI AND EDYTHE BROAD ART MUSEUM on H.A.C.K website
Installing "Vice Versa"
I don’t have final footage/images of the Vice Versa installation at the Broad quite yet. I’m hoping to have this ready soon, but in the meantime, there are a few views from the installation time.
Making "Swarm" at the Broad
I have a few snapshots of Swarm in progress. The whole piece needed to be built on site because of the fragility of the hanging parts. Most of the piece was built in the education wing between July 8-15, after which time it was carefully moved through the cafe to it’s final resting place for…
Review of "While Away" in the Nashville Scene
Click here to read: Lisa Walcott’s open ended installations have secret lives of their ownMy blog post about the exhibition:While Away Quoted text: Take a quick glance at Coop Gallery’s current exhibit, While Away, and you might not see much: just ultra-minimalist sculptures made from commonplace household objects. But a closer look reveals surprises: The…
Pretty Good Shape
March 8-21, 2013 threewalls 119 N. Peoria #2c Chicago, IL Pretty Good Shape materialized from the musings and survival of an artist in residence. While making on top of life, daily sustenance blends into material and back out again, agitation swarms and looms and humor emerges from a hole in the wall; regardless it all…
Hanger Wobble
Like someone just grabbed their coat.
napkin, umbrella, two milk white vases
wood, door stopper, bar of soap
Still Life in Balance VI
2 paper cups, eye lash, ketchup packet, birthday candle, rubberband, piece of straw wrapper, 2 kernels of popcorn, 4 grains of rice, crushed red pepper, honey, bottle cap, penny, sea salt, yellow string, mini marshmallow vs. piece of concrete, candle wick, match dipped in honey, mini marshmallow, duct tape, two rolled oats, napkin, windex, bagel…
Bubbling Wall
gurgle pop
Visiting Artist at Watkins College of Art, Design & Film
I will be coming to Watkins College of Art, Design & Film on April 1, 2013 to give a lecture about my work and do studio visits!
Pretty Good Shape: Artist in Research Exhibition at threewalls
March 8-21, 2013Opening Friday, March 8 from 6-9pmthreewalls (119 N. Peoria #2c Chicago, IL 60607)An exhibition featuring work I’ve made during my residency…give or take a couple things.
29 Left Over Birthday Candles
(thrift store purchase of a pack of 29 left over birthday candles floating in water)
Reflection While Making
Views from a Home
While Away
My newest exhibition, While Away opened last night at COOP Gallery in Nashville. There was a mention in Nashville Scene preceding the event. It’s been a great weekend of installing work and meeting people! Gallery Hours: Friday & Saturday 11-3pm “While Away” includes gestural and kinetic sculptures highlighting both the charms and risks of domesticity…
Nashville Scene Mention
Link to Online Article March’s First Saturday events anticipate the spring art season Crawl Space by Joe Nolan Saturday, 6-9 p.m. on Fifth Avenue Downtown March is a good month for art and artists. On March 10 we’ll all spring our clocks forward, shake off our sunlight deprivation and psychologically prepare for spring and the…
Trap Door
Twice Today
Twice today something dropped and landed on a shoe. In line for coffee, the man in front of me dropped a nickel and it landed heads up on his shoe. He stood on one foot and brought the coin up to his hand. I thought of the slight odds that allowed this action to happen.…
Balancing Broom Stick
The bungee cord is coming down as I apparently love balancing, combining and opposing objects very much. I will get back to this, but for now I have an exhibition to prepare for and that means more than balancing wood. One last act before I move on.
Talking about my Work
A lecture at Trinity Christian College last night (February 21, 2013) to close “A Bit Over the Top”. It was recorded–I will see if I can make that footage available at some point.
Still Life in Balance IV
sugar cubes, equal, sweet and low vs. a birthday card for a very special someone
Still Life in Balance III
scotch tape, eyelash, pile of sea salt, spring clamp, ear plug, sugar cube, sponge vs. birthday card for a special someone, detergent cap, jar lid, packing peanut, wire whisk, stone, rice
A Nail Biting Performance & 'Til I Get It Right
Ceal Floyer is one of my favorite artists to follow as her work is conscise and poignant as it teeters between humor and lack. Video: Ceal Floyer performance d13 Duration: about 1.20 min before the press conference to documenta (13) offered a brief Ceal Floyer “Nail Biting Performance” ‘Til I Get It Right at dOCUMENTA…
A new piece is in the works including the rolling up and letting down of a window shade. At first, I was attempting a piece that startled or jolted as the quickly spinning window shade might. I’d like it to be motion sensored and just spin quickly and briefly. In the process of mocking it…
Still Life in Balance I
The beginning of a new series called Still Life in Balance. An eight foot 2×3 board is hung from a single string and objects on both sides balance on the precarious surface. They are both dependent and in opposition to each other. In this first iteration it’s: pot lid, thread, two kernels of popcorn, light…