Tag: photography

  • Photography Ideas

  • Valance

  • Paired


  • The Decisive Moment

    “Photography is not like painting,” Cartier-Bresson told the Washington Post in 1957. “There is a creative fraction of a second when you are taking a picture. Your eye must see a composition or an expression that life itself offers you, and you must know with intuition when to click the camera. That is the moment…

  • loofah

  • decedent meals shared, perhaps, between ballerinas

    I’m liking the photography of Laura Letinsky today. One article from New York Magazine described her images as “…elegant undone tables, always suggesting decadent meals shared, perhaps, between ballerinas.” It can be difficult to identify what it is about an image that you really like. You try to dive in based on color and composition…etc,…

  • Out of focus

    This summer has been a complete blur so far! Rob and I have been living out of our photography studio as we finish our basement apartment. We have been working very hard doing what we love to do: working with people and taking pictures. No complaints there…except that once again, art making has taken a…

  • New Image, Old Sculpture

    A new combination. Photo: 22×33 inches

  • Current W Magazine, Current Ideas

    These new images come from a desire to treat the women in the fashion magazines more as a portrait subject. The more I look into my interest in taking these images, the more I realize that I actually really love the imagery. I was talking a lot about light, disregard for fashion images by combining…

  • compression

    My work is visually inspired by materiality and the demotic; and conceptually inspired by intangibility, entropy and personal experiences. It explores the spaces that exist in between one thing and another that tends to go unnoticed. Whether it is between one page and the next or one definition and another, there is an intangible beauty…

  • TV Transitions

    I have begun playing with and thinking about other transitional moments that we encounter; one example are the TV images above. My interest is in the natural (dripping, deflating, compression, combination) that comes from either a material I am interested in or from a collective experience that we all have (use of packaging, driving a…

  • Rosemary Laing

    I just happened upon the beautifully integrated and suspended photography of Rosemary Laing and am really taken with it! I am especially drawn to her Bulletproofglass series and her Weather series (see below). The concepts are intriguing, but the part I can’t get over is the complicated textures and the transitional state of the subjects.…

  • something new and moving

    Check out my first animation and my new you tube account! I had to spell my last name with 3 t’s to make the account legit because apparently there’s another Lisa Walcott or at least lisawalcott out there. Another case for using “Worpel” perhaps. (I am figuring out the quality…etc.)

  • punctuate

    NOTES (just for me): punctuation punctuate puncture punctus mark or divide to make the meaning clear. to interrupt at intervals: to give emphasis or force to; deriv. of L pūnctus a pricking; see punctual]

  • critique #one

    I had a critique with the Photo Department on Monday(I am taking an elective with them this semester). Overall, I was very happy with the feedback I got as well as relieved to get the first one out of the way. Here are some shots of the crit space. The photo’s were printed 30×40″ glossy.