Author: Lisa Walcott

  • Light Weight

    This is a new piece made from cut paper, strings and a motor.

  • About my work formally, stylistically and linguistically

    Intangibility Weaving in and out of clarity. Existent, but difficult to get a clear handle on. Fog does this, memory does this, veils do this. It’s more beautiful to leave room for the mind to guess and imagine than to be completely clear. There is a peak where ambiguity and clarity mingle perfectly. Perception What…

  • Pieces with history

    Pull String or LightWeight (cut paper and sting) A sketch/piece with paneling fragments from our Holland home Inspired by my childhood play…a new way of working for me

  • the accursed items

    by J. Robert Lennon A bottle of pain reliever, brought along on a business trip, that proves, at the moment it is most needed, to be filled not with pain reliever, but with buttons. Sneakers hanging from the power line, with one half of a boy’s broken glasses stuffed into each toe. A Minnie Mouse…

  • New Image, Old Sculpture

    A new combination. Photo: 22×33 inches

  • Current W Magazine, Current Ideas

    These new images come from a desire to treat the women in the fashion magazines more as a portrait subject. The more I look into my interest in taking these images, the more I realize that I actually really love the imagery. I was talking a lot about light, disregard for fashion images by combining…

  • compression

    My work is visually inspired by materiality and the demotic; and conceptually inspired by intangibility, entropy and personal experiences. It explores the spaces that exist in between one thing and another that tends to go unnoticed. Whether it is between one page and the next or one definition and another, there is an intangible beauty…

  • Tell It Slant: Lesley Dill

    I spent a couple hours tonight reading and looking at Tell It Slant: Lesley Dill (book). I really love her ideas and the way that she thinks around things. While I am not interested in using words or figures in my work, I connect with the poetic ideas. Here are some images of her work…

  • There's something I like in here.

    I like the lack of color in this color image. I like the way the exposure from each photo comes together. I like the vertical flow. I like the mundane nature of the subject matter. I like how there is tension between electricity and water.

  • Sculpture Critique #4 (2.9.09)

    The balloons are coming to a point where I really need to figure out some solutions for resolving the forms and the installation. I had hoped that this critique would allow me to get some feedback on relationships between the forms, the coverings…etc.

  • A Critique with Collier Schorr

    I had the privilege to critique with photographer/artist Collier Schorr on Friday! She was visiting Cranbrook to lecture for the Cranbrook museum show I showed two different sets of images. The first was a continuation of the magazine images in the window. I printed a 60×40 inch image which is my largest to date. The…

  • Fuzzzzz

    I spent this past week out of my studio and in our installation space in the sculpture department at Cranbrook since my biggest challenge lately has been after I’ve made my objects or images knowing what to do with them! It was great to see everything I had made come out from under the shelves…

  • I printed a book!

    Since the images I took all came from bound, printed material, I decided to bind my versions. The book is only 5×7, which is slightly smaller than I would ultimately print it, but overall I am happy with the way it came out. I chose a variety of images from a variety of magazines. I…

  • TV Transitions

    I have begun playing with and thinking about other transitional moments that we encounter; one example are the TV images above. My interest is in the natural (dripping, deflating, compression, combination) that comes from either a material I am interested in or from a collective experience that we all have (use of packaging, driving a…

  • Sculpture Critique #3 (12.2.08)

    This is untitled work. White balloons coated in a layer or two of Elmers glue and left to deflate naturally. The form together and become dependent on each other. The piece was created hanging from the ceiling so all of the drips go down toward the “bottom” and the strings that were coated in glue…

  • Waiting

    Waiting is a transitional state that I often find myself in and tend to be quite impatient with. Whether it’s waiting for Rob to head out the door (although I’m pretty sure he waits for me more than I wait for him), waiting for a balloon sculpture to deflate since my prodding only messes up…

  • Rosemary Laing

    I just happened upon the beautifully integrated and suspended photography of Rosemary Laing and am really taken with it! I am especially drawn to her Bulletproofglass series and her Weather series (see below). The concepts are intriguing, but the part I can’t get over is the complicated textures and the transitional state of the subjects.…

  • sculpture critique #two (11.24.08)

    My second critique included these seven time and labor intensive pieces. Out of interest for discarded materials, packaging, waste, and the strange properties and purposes of styrofoam, I deconstructed and reconstructed a block of styrofoam into these small organic forms with a needle and black thread (approximately 2×2 inches each). Their extreme lightness was exposed…

  • in the studio

    Here are some fairly recent images from the studio and I will follow soon with critique images from the last 2 weeks. Working in my space. Rob was visiting and snapped a couple shots. My second sculpture critique of the semester was these small styrofoam sculptures (in progress here). I deconstructed the styrofoam beads and…

  • something new and moving

    Check out my first animation and my new you tube account! I had to spell my last name with 3 t’s to make the account legit because apparently there’s another Lisa Walcott or at least lisawalcott out there. Another case for using “Worpel” perhaps. (I am figuring out the quality…etc.)

  • saturation

    Saturation as a metaphor caught my interest today as I listened to election coverage. It was quoted numerous times in relation to the media (i.e. “our media saturated culture”). I began to wonder if you could relate the idea of media saturation with color saturation? Not sure.

  • Exploring Themes

    Transitional, Liminal, Intangible If you like something, you usually want to have it, hold it, put it in your pocket. This is a problem for me, since the very thing I like is “intangibility”. Relationships. Decomposition. Longing. Masked. Dusk. Fog. They exist in between. In between me and you, this and that, absence and presence,…

  • punctuate

    NOTES (just for me): punctuation punctuate puncture punctus mark or divide to make the meaning clear. to interrupt at intervals: to give emphasis or force to; deriv. of L pūnctus a pricking; see punctual]

  • critique #one

    I had a critique with the Photo Department on Monday(I am taking an elective with them this semester). Overall, I was very happy with the feedback I got as well as relieved to get the first one out of the way. Here are some shots of the crit space. The photo’s were printed 30×40″ glossy.

  • this and that

    Out of my interest in the everyday and small, hidden beauties I have been using magazine pages in my art making for the last year or so. I am particularly interested in the way the images/content from the front and back sides of the page combine when they are backlit. I am interested in transition;…

  • cascading drawings

    I tend to find my subject matter instead of creating it. These drawings bring together and connect images found in magazines. The juxtapositions are unlikely, but believable at the same time since they actually do exist together. I’m still exploring this trend, but it is important to these drawings that they cascade down the page.…